Project 77 - Locations of Interest : SUMMER - Pixel Aotearoa

Dunedin Dream Brokerage DDB is activating the digital-sphere right into your pocket, connecting you to local social media creatives featuring some of Dunedin’s finest spots. Too cold to go out but love seeing Dunedin through our hive of creative minds? Join us at #Locations_of_Interest 

DDB activates under-utilised urban and retail spaces through brokering a lively programme of art project occupation. But these COVID times have temporarily shifted the paths we walk and the places we meet. To occupy this moment we put a call out to our creative communities inviting artists to match their social signatures with their favourite Dunedin locations, so audiences could catch them wherever they were isolating.

In this latest ‘season’ of Locations of Interest, we want to encourage locals to discover and explore our creative community’s favourite Dunedin summer locations, through a reimagined lens.

5 - 9 February 2024

Pixel Aotearoa

Sam Caldwell

Pixelaotearoa is an illustrator and animator dedicated to celebrating the vibrant culture, iconic landmarks, and beloved figures of New Zealand through the nostalgic art of pixel art. Through their week-long Dunedin Dream Brokerage residency, Pixel Aotearoa invites you to explore some of Dunedin's quintessential snack stops in their series: Dairies of Dunedin.