Project 81 - Check Your Adult at the Door

15 - 23 March, 2024

343 George Street, Dunedin

Suitcase Theatre

Images: Justin Spiers

Property Partner: Harada Investments

“Take a moment to fill your cup, recharge the batteries, take a load off. Does anyone remember play centre? It's like that, but for “grown ups”. Suitcase Theatre.

Check Your Adult at the Door was an invitation for adults to re-engage with the principles of play. It is well known that play is the basis of learning and development for happy healthy children, what we often forget is how good it is for adults too. Visitors to the space were invited to “check-in” their symbols of adulthood - cellphones, car keys, ties and uncomfortable shoes. Post check-in they were free to “play” whether it was reading a book on the lush couch inside a cardboard castle wall, collabing on a lego character world, finger painting, strumming the guitar, stamps, spirograph kits, puzzles, the spongy ball pool, playdough, and the likes.